Five Cheaper Alternatives for Superfoods

Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog.

Superfoods are a runner’s best friend, as you can use them to help maximise performance. But a lot of superfoods are rare, in high demand or have to be imported, so they often carry big price tags that you may want to avoid. Here are five cheaper alternatives for superfoods that you should try!

  1. Rapeseed oil for coconut oil

The coconut is nature’s gift to runners. Coconut water contains a lot of electrolytes, making it one of the best sports drinks for runners. Its oil has a high amount of the saturated fat lauric acid, which is incredibly good for your heart. Coconut oil is only produced in hotter countries and is highly desirable so it can be expensive. Switch it out for rapeseed oil, cultivated worldwide, which is available at pretty much every major supermarket, to get the same heart health benefits, at a much lower cost.

  1. Lentils for quinoa

Runners can really benefit by including Quinoa in their diet. This superfood is an incredible source of protein, which runners need more than other people to function and fibre, known for promoting digestion. Quinoa is only grown in South America and isn’t that well-known, so you’ll probably pay a high price for it. A good alternative is lentils, which actually carry more fibre and protein per 100 grams than Quinoa and should be stocked in any good supermarket or health store, so they’re quite cheap.

  1. Brocoli for kale

Kale is the superfood of the moment, thanks partly to former US First Lady Michelle Obama. Another good source of fibre, kale is low in calories, but it can really hit your wallet, as it’s not that widely produced. Swap out kale for any other food in this ‘brassica’ plant family, such as broccoli, to get these benefits. Broccoli is easily available everywhere, so you won’t pay much and it’s a great source of vitamin D, making it a fantastic superfood for winter, when less sunshine leads to decreased levels.

  1. Black tea for green tea

Green tea is perhaps the world’s most famous superfood right now. A lot of people rave about green tea, because it boasts a wide range of anti-oxidants and nutrients which are good for your body, doing everything from improving your brain function to helping you lose weight. Strong demand keeps the price of green tea really high, so suggests that you replace it with black tea. It carries a lot of the same health benefits, but isn’t a niche product, so it’s sold cheaply at supermarkets everywhere.

  1. Blackberries for goji berries

Another good source of anti-oxidants (which can strengthen your immune system and in turn help you get more out of running) is goji berries. They originally come from China, where they have been used in medicine for over 6,000 years and have been popularised by celebrities such as Madonna. But goji berries can be costly, due to high demand and low supply, so replace them with blackberries. They have similar anti-oxidants, can be found more widely and contain less sugar than dried goji berries.

Balance your diet

There’s one cardinal rule you should live by when it comes to building a good runner’s diet: by all means include superfoods, but don’t depend on them to do everything. It’s really important that you build a well-balanced diet and avoid regularly eating foods that have little nutritional benefit, so you can get the nutrients you need to build a body that any runner would be proud of!

Until the next time,

Mohsin Salya

What Are The Best Sports Drinks?

Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog.

Hydration is an important consideration for any runner, as you need to keep your fluid levels up to maximise your performance. You may want to switch from water to sports drinks from time to time, as they’re specially designed to help you stay hydrated on longer runs. Here are the five best sports drinks for runners…

Lucozade Sport

For a cost effective option, you can’t beat Lucozade Sport. The UK’s leading sports drink, Lucozade Sport has been scientifically developed to include glucose, carbohydrates, fluid and electrolytes, to maintain hydration and power your muscles. You can purchase Lucozade Sport from leading supermarkets.


Gatorade is another good option for long distance runners. The US sports drink contains electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, helping regulate the body’s “fluid balance.” It also contains carbs, which can allow you to re-stock your energy levels. You can buy a Gatorade four-pack easily online.

PAS Pro Iso

In its list of the best sports drinks for runners, London newspaper The Evening Standard included PAS Pro Iso. It was developed by the Welsh national rugby team’s own nutritionist and comes with a two-to-one sodium-to-potassium ratio, maximising hydration. PAS Pro Iso comes in 21 flavours, to suit the preferences of any runner and you can buy bottles from its website,

iPro Sport

Billed as the “the natural choice of isotonic sports drinks,” the increasingly popular iPro Sport certainly lives up to its name. It is naturally sweetened with Stevia and lacks artificial components, while boasting B5, B6, B7 and B12, aiding hydration and giving you a daily dose of vitamin C. If you visit the drink’s website,, you can grab a few bottles for very affordable prices.

Coconut water

If you’d prefer something completely natural and incredibly tasty, opt for unsweetened coconut water. It contains a tonne of electrolytes e.g. potassium, aiding hydration, while some evidence suggests that it’s even better than water. You can buy unsweetened coconut water from various retailers and all good health food stores, either in-store or online.

Hydrate with care

I’d advise you to try out a few sports drinks, and once you find out what works for you, stick with it. But make sure you do this well before the big day, as one of the worst hydration mistakes you can make is to experiment with different sports drinks just before running a marathon. If you consume something that isn’t compatible with your body, you could seriously damage your performance. But with the right drink, you’ll make it through the race easily!

Until the next time,

Mohsin Salya

Which Seasonal Superfoods Should I Eat In Winter?

In the winter months more than ever it’s important to take care of yourself. Eating the right things will give you the best chance of avoiding those horrible and inconvenient winter illnesses, as well as boosting your running performance. Superfoods are a prime example of the best foods you can put in your body, and there are some seasonal variations which will really benefit you at this time of year. A superfood is a nutrient rich food, considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. This week on the Mohsin Salya blog I’ve put together some superfoods which will boost your health and performance through the tough winter months.


Always associated with this time of year, there’s no denying broccoli is super. Just 175 grams of broccoli supplied 276 per cent of your daily vitamin K needs.

Good for: Vitamin D levels. Especially key during the winter months as many people in colder climates become vitamin D deficient due to the lack of sunshine.


You’ve probably heard about all the benefits of Kale already. There’s no denying it’s a superfood, as it’s loaded with the compound xeathanthin, best known for helping to prevent age-related loss of vision.

Good for: Vitamin K and manganese – also known for protecting your body’s cells against premature aging. After all, you want to be able to run for as many years as possible.

Winter Squash

Better known in the butternut variety, winter squash is an annual fruit representing several squash species.

Good for: Offering a wealth of potassium and beta-carotene. Winter squashes also provide fibre, vitamin C and B vitamins.

Spring Greens

Despite the name, spring greens are available all year round. Known as collard greens in the US, they are a type of cabbage that lacks the hard heart.

Good for:  Being particularly high in fibre, magnesium, potassium and calcium (more than a quarter of your recommended daily allowance in 190 grams cooked). Magnesium and potassium are crucial for healthy blood pressure, and studies have shown that spring greens may improve blood-flow to exercising muscles.

Brussel Sprouts

Famously hated at the Christmas dinner table, it’s really worth re-considering leaving your sprouts. With light steaming, the fibre in the sprouts can work to regulate cholesterol levels.

Good for: As well as providing cholesterol-lowering fibre, a 100 gram serving can also provide most of your daily vitamin C needs. They also provide as much vitamin K as broccoli does.


Enjoy your greens!

Until next time,

Mohsin Salya

7 Foods That Every Runner Should be Eating

Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog.

It’s a well-known fact that runners need to follow a proper diet to maintain their health and to achieve maximum performance. According to famous dietitians, runners should be careful not just with what they eat, but with also how and when.

However, all the information available is quick to state which types of food runners need to be eating, but not specifically which foods. In this post I’ll be breaking down seven specific foods that should be a regular part of every runner’s diet.

  1. Bread

Specifically whole breads. Without bread a runner’s diet will remain incomplete, and just like many other sportspeople, runners should consume lots of carbohydrates. But it’s the right kind of carbs that make all the difference – healthy carbs will fuel your body and help keep you active. The whole grains in bread will provide you with natural fibres too, acting as a source of energy.

  1. Sweet Potatoes

An ideal snack for any runner, sweet potatoes act as a fantastic source of vitamin C and A. They’re a powerful antioxidant which contain lots of vital carbohydrates. Generally the more of a novice you are at running, the more benefits sweet potatoes can have in terms of your maximum iron and potassium intake.

  1. Low Fat Yoghurt

A food that is definitely forgotten by most runners is low fat yoghurt. It is a rich source of carbs and proteins, and perfect for a snack or pouring over your daily fruit. Low fat yoghurt is also rich in calcium, an important element for runners as it reduces the risk of stress injuries and fractures.

  1. Peanut Butter

A long-time favourite amongst runners, peanut butter is ideal when consumed occasionally. It’s one of the tastier items on the list, which ironically helps runners with weight loss goals. This is because peanut butter is filling, but – perhaps surprisingly – won’t fatten you up. Although it is known for recovery (improving the rate at which the body repairs and builds cells), it is advised that peanut butter isn’t consumed in excess quantities.

  1. Carrots

Carrots are particularly good or keeping your immune system strong and your defences up against illness. Low in calories but rich in essential nutrients, they make a great snack to nibble on when you’ve gone too long between meals.

  1. Dry Beans

Dry beans – such as split pea, pinto, garbanzo and lentils – are plant sources that are incredibly high in iron. A great accompaniment to rice and stews, beans are low in fat and high in protein. They’ll also satisfy your body’s need for carbohydrates and healthy proteins.

  1. Eggs

Another fairly common food famously consumed by runners would be eggs. You’re likely to never get bored of eggs due to the different ways in which you can prepare them – poach them, fry them, boil them or scramble them. With one egg providing around 15% of your body’s protein needs, the amino acids are also essential for quick muscle recovery and repair.

Happy eating,

Mohsin Salya

What Should I Eat When Training For a Marathon?

Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog.

It’s an age old question – what should I eat when training for a marathon? With all the conflicting advice and all the different information out there it can be tricky to know just what food plan to stick to throughout your training.

While there isn’t just one specific super food that works for everyone, my guidelines and advice on nutritional requirements and timings will hopefully help you find the perfect food for your pre-run snacks or meals.

Small snacks

  • Energy bars – these are great to eat on the go, plus they are easy to digest and light on the stomach. However, it’s best to avoid diet products as these often cut the carbs, and the carbs are what you’ll be needing. Something like a granola bar is a great way to eat more natural, but still get the energy you need.
  • Banana – You may already know that a banana is a good option, but don’t underestimate just how high in carbs and potassium these are.
  • Small bowl of oatmeal – Oatmeal tends to have a good amount of fibre. It can be a good option for runners who can’t eat close to running but need something to sustain them.

Medium snacks

  • Toast with peanut butter and jelly – This favourite is tasty and good for you. It’s easy to digest and light on the stomach – exactly what you’re looking for pre-run.
  • Wheat bagel with peanut butter or cream cheese – This is a little more substantial than the toast, and provides a small dose of protein to help keep hunger away.
  • Yoghurt and granola – You can’t go wrong with this mixture of simple and complex carbs, providing 360 degree energy for your upcoming training.


  • Turkey tortilla wrap – Slices of deli turkey wrapped in a flour tortilla with shredded vegetables. This will fill you up and also provide long-lasting energy with extra protein, which will aid in muscle recovery.
  • Liquid meal – A liquid meal such as a breakfast shake is a great choice, as long as it’s high in carbohydrates and low in protein, fat and fibre.
  • Grilled salmon with brown rice – Everybody knows fish is good for you, and this meal is low in protein and fat with plenty of the low-fibre carbs you need for a great run.

Until next time,

Mohsin Salya