Top Marathon Training Tips for Beginners

Hi there, and welcome to the Mohsin Salya blog.

So you’ve decided to run a marathon – which is great! However, when you’re a complete beginner the thought of it all can be a little daunting and you may not know where to start.

Today I wanted to share some beginner’s tips with you, so you have a bit of an idea on where to start your marathon training journey.

Prepare Mentally

The most important thing you can do before the physical activity begins is to prepare yourself mentally. It’s vital to accept that one or two missed runs isn’t the end of the world, and to also accept that there will sometimes be runs that aren’t as good as others. These runs may make you question why you started in the first place. However – you need to keep reminding yourself that it isn’t just about the workout, it’s about mentally believing you can cover the distance. Take a look at everything you’ve already accomplished, and then keep going.

Praise Yourself

You can never praise yourself too much! Each time you pass a new milestone, feel free to shout it from the rooftops. It may be a small step to you that isn’t worth mentioning, but you’re more likely to believe in yourself if you give yourself praise each time you reach that goal. With less than 1% of the population taking part in a marathon, you’re really doing something amazing!

Work out a strategy

It’s key to work out a strategy – but not training plan. With a strategy plan you enable yourself to reach a particular goal. A solid strategy will enable you to better handle those bumps along the way, with a backup plan and tactics in order to keep your training moving. A training plan is simply a calendar of workouts, and a strategy is much more than this. A strategy also enables you to determine how reaching your goals will fit in with your life. For example, the schedule may need adjusting to any family commitments or weekend plans you may have.


For any kind of training, consistency is key. It will be extremely helpful to you to run at the same time or on the same path on certain days, in order to help provide a natural rhythm to your life as a runner. This is especially important for the first 18-24 weeks of training, as it makes your strategy easier to follow through with.

Until next time,

Mohsin Salya