Which Seasonal Superfoods Should I Eat In Winter?

December 28, 2016

In the winter months more than ever it’s important to take care of yourself. Eating the right things will give you the best chance of avoiding those horrible and inconvenient winter illnesses, as well as boosting your running performance. Superfoods are a prime example of the best foods you can put in your body, and there are some seasonal variations which will really benefit you at this time of year. A superfood is a nutrient rich food, considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. This week on the Mohsin Salya blog I’ve put together some superfoods which will boost your health and performance through the tough winter months.


Always associated with this time of year, there’s no denying broccoli is super. Just 175 grams of broccoli supplied 276 per cent of your daily vitamin K needs.

Good for: Vitamin D levels. Especially key during the winter months as many people in colder climates become vitamin D deficient due to the lack of sunshine.


You’ve probably heard about all the benefits of Kale already. There’s no denying it’s a superfood, as it’s loaded with the compound xeathanthin, best known for helping to prevent age-related loss of vision.

Good for: Vitamin K and manganese – also known for protecting your body’s cells against premature aging. After all, you want to be able to run for as many years as possible.

Winter Squash

Better known in the butternut variety, winter squash is an annual fruit representing several squash species.

Good for: Offering a wealth of potassium and beta-carotene. Winter squashes also provide fibre, vitamin C and B vitamins.

Spring Greens

Despite the name, spring greens are available all year round. Known as collard greens in the US, they are a type of cabbage that lacks the hard heart.

Good for:  Being particularly high in fibre, magnesium, potassium and calcium (more than a quarter of your recommended daily allowance in 190 grams cooked). Magnesium and potassium are crucial for healthy blood pressure, and studies have shown that spring greens may improve blood-flow to exercising muscles.

Brussel Sprouts

Famously hated at the Christmas dinner table, it’s really worth re-considering leaving your sprouts. With light steaming, the fibre in the sprouts can work to regulate cholesterol levels.

Good for: As well as providing cholesterol-lowering fibre, a 100 gram serving can also provide most of your daily vitamin C needs. They also provide as much vitamin K as broccoli does.


Enjoy your greens!

Until next time,

Mohsin Salya