tips and advice
How many pairs of shoes do you need?
Hi, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. Remember that pair of new running shoes you were looking at recently and that you stopped yourself from buying? Well, maybe you should think again, as I’m a big advocate of having multiple pairs of...Back to basics – what do you actually need to run?
Hi, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. In our last blog, we talked about how having a number of different pairs of running shoes can be a real advantage, allowing you to match the footwear you need to the terrain you’re taking...
The greatest races and routes in the world
Hi, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. Getting tired of your local 10k route? Not feeling inspired by the thought of your city’s next half marathon event? Well, maybe it’s time to look further afield and try something different. This post is...
How to improve your running efficiency
Hi, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. Running efficiency. It’s a phrase that many of you might well be familiar with – the Kenyans apparently have it in abundance, but for most average runners it’s something that we might think about but...
Learning to breathe – techniques for running
Hi, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. I freely admit that for many years – probably like most runners – I didn’t give too much thought to my breathing. Breathing was just something you did without thinking – a necessary function of...
Why do we run and what benefits does it have?
Hi, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. Sometimes, when the cold rain is running down the back of my neck and my legs feel like lead, I ask myself the same question. But, it’s something that we should all reflect on...
Finding the perfect training plan for you
Hi, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. Many of us will have some kind of goal in mind for our running – it could be simply to get fitter, to lose weight, to beat a certain time or to run a particular...