How to improve your running efficiency

July 21, 2017

Hi, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog.

Running efficiency. It’s a phrase that many of you might well be familiar with – the Kenyans apparently have it in abundance, but for most average runners it’s something that we might think about but not fully understand how to improve. But before we get on to how we can do this, what exactly do we mean by ‘running efficiency’?

Energy and speed

It’s a hard concept to pin down, but one of the best ways to think about it is as ‘economy of motion’. So when we talk about running efficiency, we’re talking about the relationship between how much energy you use and how fast you go – but pinning down what contributes to this is far from straightforward. The answer to how to run faster while using less energy is partly down to how we’re each made – East Africans tend to have lighter and leaner physiques, meaning they can make more economical use of the energy they have available. So, to an extent we have to deal with the bodies we’re born with – but there are also a number of other ways in which we can improve our performance relative to the amount of energy we use.

Watch your steps

Firstly, did you know that their is an optimal number of steps you can take per minute, ensuring that you’re not taking too many little steps or over reaching with your strides? According to research done by Dr Jack Daniels, an exercise physiologist at the Center for High Altitude Training at Northern Arizona University, you should aim for around 180 steps per minute. Cadence is vitally important – so aim for a steady 180 and focus on keeping your strides smooth, relaxed and balanced.

Don’t bounce

Allowing your strides to spring upwards in a big bounce rather than moving forwards is a counter productive use of energy. So engage your core, extend your hips and gently lean into the front part of your foot to drive yourself forward.

Float, don’t run!

Contact with the ground destroys momentum, so try to make sure that every time your foot hits the ground it breaks contact as quickly as possible. (Don’t bounce up though – see the previous tip).

Watch your posture

You’re not at your desk any more – so keep your spine nice and straight and lean forward slightly to improve your running efficiency. Also remember to relax your hands and shoulders – don’t run with clenched fists (it can lead to shoulder tension) and try and open your chest up (though not too far back) in order to relax your shoulders and avoid a hunched running position.

These are all small changes, but together they can make a real difference. Try one or two of them next time you head out for a run and see how you get on.

Until the next time,

Mohsin Salya.