What Are The Best Sports Drinks?
Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. Hydration is an important consideration for any runner, as you need to keep your fluid levels up to maximise your performance. You may want to switch from water to sports drinks from time to...
Five Tips for Running at Night
Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. One of the most popular times to go running is at night, as it allows you to unwind from the stresses of the working day. But there are issues with running at night, such...
How to find the right running group for you
Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. Do you want to start running, but find it hard to motivate yourself? You could always try running with a group, where like-minded individuals can give you encouragement, helping you stay on track. But...
Five Cheaper Alternatives for Superfoods
Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. Superfoods are a runner’s best friend, as you can use them to help maximise performance. But a lot of superfoods are rare, in high demand or have to be imported, so they often carry...
Five Easy Ways to Multitask While You Run
Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. There’s so much demand on our time these days, that it can be hard to fit running into our schedules. But if you really want to start pounding the pavement, consider handling other pressing...
What Speed Should I Run at When Training for Marathons?
Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. It takes a lot to prepare for a marathon. It’s a good idea to develop an extensive training regime, so that when the race arrives, you’re ready to face this demanding but very rewarding...
Should I Try Acupuncture?
Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. Running can be very rewarding, helping you lead a healthier lifestyle. However, you put a lot of strain on your muscles when you run, and it’s crucial that you find ways to deal with...
How to Stop Chaffing When Running
Hi and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog. There are some problems that, unfortunately as a runner, you may need to deal with from time to time. One is chaffing, as it’s all too easy to irritate your skin while pounding the pavement....