Top 10 Running Shoe Lacing Techniques – Infographic

Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog.

You may never have thought that the way you lace up your shoes would have such an impact on your run, and neither did I. However, in running there are a lot of factors that could secure the fit and comfort of the feet – this in turns translates into either a good run or a bad run.

Each pair of feet is unique, which is why using the right lacing technique will matter in your running performance. This infographic below from Run Repeat shows you just how you can relieve the foot fatigue or nagging pain by adjusting the laces on your running shoes. Lacing techniques are basic to master. The effectiveness of a technique might depend on the lacing material, number of holes or just how tight the laces are secured before going out for a run.

mohsin salya


Until next time,

Mohsin Salya