How to find the right running group for you

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Do you want to start running, but find it hard to motivate yourself? You could always try running with a group, where like-minded individuals can give you encouragement, helping you stay on track. But there’s so many running groups – which is best? Here’s how to find the right running group for you.

Finding clubs

The easiest way to start finding running groups is to look online to see what’s available in your area. There may be just one local running club, limiting your options, or more choice. Check with your local running or sportswear stores, to see if they know about any nearby groups as well. You could even join free apps such as Meet Up, which people worldwide use to organise group activities like running.

Like-minded runners

Now you know your options, find a group that runs at the same pace and distance as you, so you can keep up. If you join a group doing marathon runs, for example, when you’re looking for gentle jogs, you’ll soon tire yourself out. When you contact someone to ask about joining their group, industry blog Runners World suggests giving details on your race times, average run pace in minutes per mile and most recent long run. They can use this to decide whether you’re right the right fit for the club.

Explore the schedule

If the group looks right, take the next step by seeing how often they meet. You may be really busy so it might not be convenient to join them if their sessions don’t work with your schedule. Most groups meet between one and three times a week. Ask if you have to attend every session, or whether you can pick and choose, to make it compatible with your lifestyle. Also ask about the time of day they typically run, morning, afternoon or evening, and see if this works for you.

Look at the route

There are some practical matters you have to also look at, before deciding whether this is the right running group for you. It’s really important that you do some research on the route. See whether there are bathrooms and water available on route, because you might need them as you run. If you are planning to drive to meet the group, is there a car park nearby – if not, can you get there by foot or by public transport?

Test it out

There’s no substitute for experience, so you might want to go for a trial run with the group, before committing. Keep one question in mind on this trial run – are these the sort of people you get on with? Most groups will be open and welcoming, so you should be absolutely fine. It’s also important that you are willing to make the effort – try to start conversations with other members, so you can comfortably become one of the group!

Start your own

If after all this, you can’t find a good running group, you could even start your own! That way, you can set the rules and find a like-minded group of people, so you can all motivate each other! Consider signing up to fitness classes for runners, such as treadmill and crossfit sessions. There’s no better way to start connecting with like-minded people, so you can figure out how your group will look!

Until the next time,

Mohsin Salya