How to Become a Mentally Strong Runner – Part 1

Hi, welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog where I chat about all things running and fitness.

Something not often discussed in the running community is the topic of being mentally strong when it comes to running, not just physically. Mental toughness means different things to different people, but there’s no doubt that it is a critical part of your workout regime if you want to be your absolute best. It can be the difference between a fairly good athlete and a great one. Without it, you can have the best genes in the world, but you’ll always be at a level of ability lower than you’re actually capable of.

In this post I’ll be sharing tips on how to improve your mental toughness, which will ultimately make you a stronger runner.

Visualise what mental toughness actually is

The saying goes that ‘whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve’ – and it actually couldn’t be truer. It may sound like a sentence from a self-help book, however it’s actually really practical. Mental imagery is all about seeing yourself already achieving your running goals and winning before you actually do it.

How? Take 5-10 minutes a day to mentally rehearse your running goals. You need to start off in a relaxed and calm state, breathing deep and slow. Remove all the distractions from around you, such as the TV, and create images in your mind of what you want to accomplish with your training program. Imagine scenes such as yourself in the perfect running situation – this could be an everyday run, a challenging race or your dream marathon. By running this image over and over in your mind, feelings of strength, resilience and power will emerge from your body.

Go for a run in adverse conditions

This may put you off from the moment you read the title, but just stick with me. If you’re the type of runner who seeks comfort and is only training under the ideal conditions, then you are massively missing out in terms of strengthening your mental state. The bottom line is, you need to build a habit of running outside of your comfort zone. This is when the magic happens, and you know deep down that nothing will ever change if you are stuck in a routine that is familiar and secure.

How? To step out of your comfort zone, there are a few things you can try:

  • Run somewhere unfamiliar
  • Run in the rain or snow
  • Take on a mountainous route
  • Take on a more technical terrain with lots of obstacles
  • Run long distances alone with no distractions, not even headphones
  • Pair up with an elite runner and go training together if you’re used to running alone

Come back tomorrow when I’ll have the second part of my tips on how to become a mentally strong runner.

Until next time,

Mohsin Salya