Five Tips for Running at Night

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One of the most popular times to go running is at night, as it allows you to unwind from the stresses of the working day. But there are issues with running at night, such as decreased visibility. Here are five tips for running at night so you can have a great run, while staying safe.

Maximise light

The biggest problem with running at night, is that there’s very little light. You can maximise light and illuminate your path, by investing in the right gear. A headlight is the best piece of gear you can get for this, which you can buy easily online. You can also purchase light reflective running wear, available from retailers such as Nike online, so cars and pedestrians can see you easily.

Against the flow

It’s advised that you run against the traffic, so that cars can see you coming. With this strategy, you can minimise the potential for accidents. Steer clear of rush hour at all costs, as the less cars there are on the road, the more likely you are to be safe. If you have any doubts, run on paths or green spaces instead and even then, it’s good to run against the flow of people to make your presence known.

Stick to the familiar

With reduced visibility, it can be easier to get lost when running at night than at any other time in the day. It’s advisable to only jog in places you are already familiar with, so you can always find your way home. You may also want to go running with friends, when heading out at night. Not only will this ensure that you have help, should you get lost, but everything is more fun when you do it with some company!

Carry a phone

You never know when you’ll need to get in contact with family and friends. Always carry a phone with you, so you’re reachable at all times and you have a way to contact emergency services if necessary. You may want to invest in a one-size fits all running armband, available from many different retailers online. These feature a space for your phone, so you can carry it with you easily and listen to music at the same time, giving you the motivation to smash it.

Always pay attention

You cannot afford, even for one moment, to let your attention wander while running in the dark. Even with headlights and light-reflective clothing, your visibility will be somewhat limited. It will be especially hard to notice any potholes on your route that could trip you up, as you constantly need to keep looking up to spot cars and pedestrians. Always pay attention and minimise distractions.

Know your limits

It is crucial, if you decide to go running at night that you feel comfortable doing so. Otherwise, you won’t get the most out of the experience, as you’ll focus on your discomfort at jogging in the dark, instead of maximising your performance and actually enjoying your run. If the tips in this article still don’t help you feel safe running at night, don’t do it – go in the morning or the afternoon instead.

Until the next time,

Mohsin Salya