How to stay Motivated

Hi and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog, where I share tips and advice on all things running.

It’s incredibly important to make sure you stay motivated during your running strategy and marathon training, however at times this can be challenging. It’s a challenge not only for beginners, but also for experienced marathon runners – we’ve all been there.

I want to share some tips with you that have helped me stay motivated throughout my marathon training, and hopefully they will help you too.

Remind yourself of your goals

Let’s be honest – training can get difficult. Being reminded of your goals when training for a marathon can be that last ditch effort to get you of the door. So, putting reminders of your goals in the situations or places that present the biggest barriers can be a great motivator. For example, if you run after work, put your goal on the dashboard of your car. When you try to talk yourself out of driving to the gym, you see your goal staring you in the face. Ask yourself “how much do I want it today?” – This is perfect for if you need a little reminder or nudge once in a while to keep yourself on target.

Get your friends involved

Run with friends. It may sound simple, but you can’t underestimate the social side of running. It is one of the most common reasons people start and carry on training for a marathon. Not only that, but it takes your mind off the task in hand when you’re with other people. You could find a local running club or gather some friends or colleagues to run with you and make every session both easier and more enjoyable.

Mohsin Salya - Marathon Runner - Image 2

Mix it up

It’s really important that you prevent running from getting boring, and it’s actually quite easy. Introduce variety into your running sessions and try something different. Introduce hill repeats, a track session or signing up for a trail race. Even running a new route or different place can freshen up your routine and make it exciting again.

Run for a good cause

If you’re not already raising money for a charity in the marathon you’re running, then signing up to fundraise will give you a massive motivation boost. Knowing that what you’re doing is for a good cause and will provide funds to a charity that means something to you can help keep you going when you’re lacking in motivation.

Book your post marathon meal

After the sacrifices you’ve made, it’s finally time to let your hair down after the marathon and enjoy the things you may have given up in exchange for a runner’s body. Pick your favourite restaurant, your favourite people and your favourite wine and book your post marathon meal. Having something solid and enjoyable to focus on will definitely help get you through all the training. If there’s ever a time to eat and drink what you like, it’s after you’ve completed a marathon!

Until next time,

Mohsin Salya