Running: How to warm up properly

Hi, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog.

I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve told the same thing by experienced runners: ‘just make sure you warm up properly’. It’s probably the number one rule that we should all follow – but how many of us can honestly say we actually do it? And I don’t mean do it half-heartedly (for years I used to jog on the spot for ten seconds, windmill my arms and take a few big breaths and think I was ready for a marathon). I mean really warm up. Just as with any aspect of running, doing it properly is a skill that you need to learn, and then apply consistently in order to see any benefit.

And believe me, it is worth it – here are just a few good reasons why warming up properly so essential:

  • It reduces the risk of setting off too fast, burning out and not getting through your run
  • It warms up your muscles and your joints, reducing the chance of injury.
  • It gets your heart beating, but in a gradual way that will prepare your body properly for a sustained effort.

My personal warm up

So what’s my warm up routine? Here’s what I always recommend whenever people ask me how I get ready for a run:

Do some dynamic stretches (10 each):

  1. Hip Flexor Stretch

Stand up straight and flex your hip and knee – bringing your right knee towards your chest and swinging your left arm forward. Lower and repeat on the other leg.

  1. Plantar Flexor Stretch

Hands on hips, raise your right foot up slightly, keeping your knee straight. Flex your foot with your toes pointing upwards. Repeat with the other foot.

Then just walk.

Yes, walk. Taking a five-minute walk can make the perfect transition between relative inactivity and running. It will get the blood pumping to all of the same places you’ll need on your run, and also provides you with some vital headspace before your get going.

So next time park 5 minutes away from the start line, and build a walk into your pre-run routine.

Until the next time,

Mohsin Salya