How to Make Yourself Go for a Run When it’s Cold and Dark Outside

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It can be extra hard to motivate yourself to go out for a run when winter rolls around and the mornings are pitch black. It’s sometimes hard enough to be a morning person, without the challenge of it being cold and dark outside.

However, there are ways to make this easier. In this post I’ll be sharing my favourite tips that help me get up and out on those dark winter mornings.

Don’t hit snooze

This is easier said than done, but there are ways to avoid hitting snooze if you’re a big fan of the magic snooze button. Whether you use a smartphone or a traditional clock for your morning alarm, place it on the other side of the room. This will ensure that you have to physically get up and out of bed to turn it off. Better yet, turn on the lights as soon as you wake up and turn on some loud music to het you going.

Have a plan in place

Make sure you know exactly what you plan to do on your run. Have it clear in your mind which route you’re going to take and any goals you may be wanting to smash, such as a personal best. Lay out your running gear and whatever else you’ll need the night before too. When you know exactly what you’re going to do, and how long it’s going to take, it helps to keep you much more punctual in the morning.

Sleep in your running gear

Better yet, instead of laying out your gear the night before, just sleep in it! Now this may sound like a strange technique, but it’s very effective. When it’s a freezing cold morning, you don’t want to get out of your nice warm bed and change into your running clothes. This way you won’t have to, and it’ll also save you time on getting dressed.

Play your motivation mix

It’s common knowledge that music has a positive effect on our minds and body. It can change our mood, give us energy, and motivate us to reach higher. By playing a specially curated ‘motivation mix’ whilst you’re getting up, dressed and prepared for your run, it will not only het you pumped for your workout but also remind you of why you’re doing this in the first place.

Don’t make it a choice

This is all about the mind. You need to tell yourself that your run in the morning isn’t optional, it’s mandatory. When it’s time to get up and go, that’s that. No compromises or negotiations. You’ll also get a kick out of how strong willed you are after you’ve done your morning run.

Until next time,

Mohsin Salya