The Post-Long Run Checklist

July 29, 2016

Hi there, and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog.

You may think that the end of your long-run ends at the finish line. However, it’s extremely important that you take some steps to ensure that you recover well and make the most of your hard work during the run. A lot of people disregard recovery, but it’s just as important as the workout itself.

Some of the tips I’ve provided here may be second nature to you if you’re an experienced marathoner, but if not then these could really benefit you. It’s a good idea to get into a habit of taking these steps, to make the period after your long-run much easier.

  1. Elevate your legs

The most important and first step you should take is to sit down and pop your legs up against the nearest wall or chair. By keeping your legs elevated for 5 minutes after a long run, you quicken your body’s return to homeostasis. This improves circulation and prevents blood from pooling in your legs, as well as stretches your hamstring and calves.

  1. Shower

This one probably goes without saying – but it’s how you shower that’s important here. 30-60 seconds of cold water at the end of your shower can improve your circulation and will help you regulate your body temperature after a hot and sweaty run.

  1. Eat

Possibly the first thing on your mind after you finish running – but it’s important not just to eat anything no matter how hungry you may be. Sugary and refined carbs may be the first food of choice, however it’s best to stay away. Any food with a high sugar content may upset your stomach, or you may find yourself crashing from the sugar shortly after you’ve eaten. Instead, opt for a combination of nutritious carbohydrates and some lean protein.

  1. Drink tea or coffee

Some studies have shown that taking caffeine in the form of tea or coffee after a long run may promote better glycogen resynthesis – these are what are used throughout your run. If you find that coffee upsets your stomach after a run, try a black caffeinated tea such as Earl Grey. If a hot beverage sounds unpalatable for you after running in the heat, you could always try an iced coffee or cold brew.

  1. Go for a walk

This may sound like the last thing you want to do after a long run or marathon, but there is logic behind it. Remaining completely sedentary for the rest of the day is sure to make you feel sluggish and stiff. A few short walks of around 10-15 minutes will keep your blood flowing, loosen up any stiff muscles and give you a natural boost of energy.

Until next time,

Mohsin Salya.